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Sunday 2 October 2016

Amsterdam ~ 15/04/16

So todays post is based around when i went to Amsterdam on a school trip not so long ago. The trip was offered to me as i am doing Art GCSE at school and of course i had to take up the opportunity. The whole trip was beautiful and i thought i would share it with you.

After a long 15 hour coach journey from Brighton, me and the rest of the students arrived in Amsterdam and fell suddenly in love with the city. The first thing we did when we got there was walk around the city centre and took some great photos, including this one. I love this photo because it shows quite an open space, which is rare in Amsterdam, with some beautifully massive buildings that are accompanied by an amazing sky line. I also am very happy with how i got my friends phone into the picture as it think it shows that the tourists love it too.

Once we had finished our wonderful little walk around the city, we was able to go on a river cruise along Amsterdam's infamous canal. This was honestly one of the best things i have ever done and everything was beautiful, even with the skies being dull. The city of Amsterdam is stunning and a cruise like this is the perfect way to see it in all its glory. I love this photo as it shows the canal in the distance with it showing great perspective as the buildings look smaller and smaller the further they are away. The river cruise was probably my favourite part of the trip.

At the start of the second day, we decided to do some touristy activities so obviously we had to go and see the popular Amsterdam sign. I think when pretty much anyone goes to Amsterdam they come and have their photo taken with this massive sign. Me being not like the others decided to not take a photo with the sign and instead decided to take a photo of it. I like the photo because it shows tourists (fellow students from my school) enjoying themselves whilst having their photos taken with the landmark.

Throughout my time in Holland, we went to some unbelievable art galleries, one of which was the Rijksmuseum, a gallery which funnily enough was located directly behind the Amsterdam sign in the picture above. The gallery was beautiful inside and out, in particular i loved the interior as it was modern and different to anything else I've seen. This photo to your right was just taken on some stairs going to another exhibit but i love it as it is bright and fresh with a river surrounding the window.

On the third day, we went to an extraordinary park in Amsterdam which had fun sculptures scattered around it. To be honest, i think this activity was tied with the river cruise for my favourite activity. The reason for this is the fact that we got to ride bikes around the park. This was a really fun thing which was so unique and every single person loved it. This picture was a crossing between two pathways for the bikes but it made an amazing photo and weirdly reminded me of the infamous Abbey Road photo of The Beatles.

Finally, i have my favourite photo of the whole trip! You may have seen this photo in my "Favourite Photos Ever" post and i obviously had to put it in here. The picture to your right was taken whilst i was on the river cruise and the reason why i love it is because is captured a beautiful pathway, yet again showing perspective and it was also taken at the perfect time. This picture is currently the desktop wallpaper on my macbook and it will always be great memorabilia of my trip.

So i hope you enjoyed this review of my time in Amsterdam not so long ago. This was an incredibly fun experience and i will never forget it or the photos i took whilst i was there.

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