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Saturday 27 May 2017

My Favourite Beyonce Songs (40 - 31)

Hello and welcome to the second post of my mini-series where I countdown my favourite songs by the one and only Beyonce. If you missed the first instalment, i would recommend you go and read it but lets get on with this post...

No. 40 = I Was Here
The first song in today's post is one that is certainly an emotional one and it features some unbelievable vocals. The only reason why this song is so low is because I (personally) feel that the song is not catchy enough and I don't feel like I can really sing-along with it that much. What makes me love it so much is the strong message that is carried all the way throughout the song, stating that she was 'here' and wants everyone to remember all that she has done for herself and everyone.

No. 39 = 6 Inch
Number 39 is the first song in this countdown from Beyonce's latest release ("Lemonade") and the reason why I am such a big fan of this song is because it is very different too any of Queen Bey's other material. In my opinion, Bey's voice is so rich and sultry throughout and it really creates a different vibe to any that I have head. The song is also quite the catchy one, with me having to sing along whenever I listen. The one reason as to why it is so low is because I am not a big fan of The Weeknd meaning I don't really like his verse in this song, it is a great song overall though.

No. 38 = Irreplaceable
Next up we have a song that I would be seriously surprised if you haven't listened to. "Irreplaceable" is one of those songs that you just have to sing-along to every time you listen because is just too catchy! I really do wish that this song wasn't as overplayed as it was because if it wasn't this song could be up way higher in the chart as it is a great song. Also, Beyonce's vocals are incredible in this song, as they are in the whole of the "B'Day" album. Like I said before, if you haven't somehow listened to this song, what are you doing with your life?! You seriously need to listen to it!

No. 37 = Crazy In Love
This is another song that you certainly should've heard before as it is possibly one of Beyonce's most popular singles. "Crazy In Love", Beyonce's first solo single, could be Beyonce's catchiest song and that is just one of the reasons as to why I am such a big fan of it. Also, this song showed just what Queen Bey is capable of and look at where she is now, nearly fifteen years on from the release of this single (I'm even calling her 'Queen")! Just like many of the songs though, this song was (and still is) highly overplayed, meaning I kinda got fed up with it; I still love it though and so should you.

No. 36 = Diva
At number 36 we have the first song in today's post from "I Am Sasha Fierce": "Diva". This song is one of those songs that is guaranteed to get you dancing along as its beat is so infectious, however, this song doesn't seem to show any great vocals that I know bey is capable of; that is why this song is so low. On the other hand, I do love this song and it does still have catchy lyrics that you can sing along to, you should give it a listen!

No. 35 = Deja Vu
"Deja Vu" is yet another song that I love, hence why it's in this chart! The song features Beyonce's hubby Jay-Z, making it the ultimate power couple song. If you ask me, the song is just an all-round good song but I don't really feel like it has anything that makes it stand out above the rest (I still love it though). There are parts which you can sing-along to, parts which you can dance along, and parts where you can admire Beyonce's voice but I, personally, feel like its lacking something to put it any further up in this chart.

No. 34 = Pretty Hurts
Next we have a song with probably the best message out of any Beyonce song at all! "Pretty Hurts" is a song telling people to love themselves for themselves as being 'pretty' never makes you feel good enough. The song is also quite catchy in the chorus, making me love it even more, but I do wish the verses were a little more catchy so I could sing along to them which is why this song is positioned where it is. If the song was a bit more catchy, it could easily be in the top 20. I would still recommend listening though as you can definitely sing along to the chorus.

No. 33 = Don't Hurt Yourself
In this blogpost we've already had the song with the best message but next up we have the song with the best sass! When the first line of a song is "Who the f**k do you think I am?", you know that it is going to be an angry song and this certainly fits that brief. This song is so passionate and you can really feel every word Bey is saying; the song is also a catchy one that gets me singing along. The one reasons to why this song isn't way higher is because, like "Diva", the song doesn't feature many of the amazing high vocals that Beyonce is capable of. However, I do really love this song and I bet you would too!
No. 32 = Run The World (Girls)
The penultimate song of this post is another one that you really should've heard (just like "Irreplaceable" and "Crazy In Love"). "Run The World" is probably the most well-known song from Beyonce's "4" album and I love how it makes you want to dance and/or sing along. The only problem is, just like many other songs in today's post, there isn't many great vocals. This song is so catchy and I can't express how much I love it, I just have to pick out every detail now though as it is so close between every song. You need to start listening to this empowering anthem though!

No. 31 = Resentment
Lastly, we have a song that features some absolutely brilliant vocals from Beyonce, something which the other song needs! Just like "Don't Hurt Yourself", this song is one that is very passionate as well, this time showing heartbreak in a sad tone rather than an aggressive one. The only problem with this song is that it isn't catchy like many off the others, holding it back quite a fair bit; I do genuinely believe though that if this song still had it's emotional tone with some catchy lyrics alongside it, this song could (easily) be in the top ten of my chart!

Song Of The Week :
Even though this post may have dragged on a bit, we still have to do our "Song Of The Week" and this week's song is one that I cannot get enough of! The song is "Dime" by Rachel Crow and it just always makes me want to sing and dance along. Fun fact, Rachel actually competed in The X Factor USA and she was actually one of my favourites. Years have gone since then though and Rachel has matured massively, showing her individual style as an artist on this song. The song is one that I can guarantee you'll love so please listen to it here.
So I hoped you enjoyed the second instalment of my mini-series. Next week I will be uploading a different post, telling you about seven TV shows that you need to watch so get excited!

Friday 19 May 2017

Album Review : Harry Styles by Harry Styles

Hello and welcome to yet another blogpost. In today's blogpost I will be reviewing Harry Styles' self-titled album; something which I never thought I'd do for various reasons. Anyways, lets proceed with the post!

Track 1 = Meet Me In The Hallway 
If you ask me, "Meet Me In The Hallway" is the perfect start to an album and the perfect start to showing how Harry Styles and his music differs to One Direction and their music. The song is not only catchy, but different to anything else I have heard in a while! The song seems to form a fusion of Indie and Rock music with this song and if you ask me, it totally works. To top it all off, you get to hear some lovely vocals from Harry toward the end, making it a great song overall.

Track 2 = Sign Of The Times
If you have been reading this blog for the past month or so, you will know that I absolutely love this song; it was even featured as my "Song Of The Week" at one point. Like I said before, to me, this song seems to be very inspired by David Bowie and yet again, Harry's vocals are unbelievable, possibly the best vocals on any track on the record. Since the song got released, I have not been able to stop singing it and it's catchy lyrics so when you hear it, I bet you'll do the same!

Track 3 = Carolina
This next song could possibly be my favourite throughout the album as it is just so upbeat; its bound to make you happy! In my opinion, the song is inspired by 60's rock as I hear The Beatles when I listen to it. What I love about this song though is the fact that whenever I listen, I cant help but dance or sing along. Its crazy to think just how different to the music Harry and his bandmates were releasing a couple of years ago.

Track 4 = Two Ghosts
"Two Ghosts", which is rumoured to be written about Taylor Swift, takes a slightly different approach compared to the rest of the songs as it sounds more like country that the rest of his material, something else linking the song to Taylor and her country roots. I must admit, it took me a few listens to like the song but now I do really like it, simply because of how relaxing it is. This may sound weird but I can imagine listening to the song on a summer's day whilst having a picnic, bizarre I know!

Track 5 = Sweet Creature
Track 5 of the album is another one that I have fallen in love with! It is not only relaxing like "Two Ghosts", but also very catchy like "Sign Of The Times" and "Carolina". I have not been able to stop singing this song since it was released (early) about two weeks ago. You can also really sense Harry's heartbreak in this song as his lyrics are so simple and easy to understand. This is a song that I would thoroughly recommend you listen to...

Track 6 = Only Angel 
If I had to pick one, "Only Angel" would probably be my least track of the album; this wouldn't be because it's bad but because I am not a fan of the super-long intro that does not really match up with the rest of the song. The chorus is very catchy in this song which does make me love it and I have been singing that little "woo-hoo" in my head since the album's release; its just so infectious. Its a shame that the song has this long intro as it would probably be one of my favourites if not!

Track 7 = Kiwi
What makes "Kiwi" stands out over the rest is the attitude that is shown throughout! This 'attitude' weirdly reminds me of Elvis, also just like the electric guitar throughout, also reminding me of the King Of Rock. Sure, the chorus may just be Harry Styles shouting but in this 'aggressive' song, it completely works and it would probably sound a bit weird if it wasn't in it. "Kiwi" is a song that you should give a listen to, especially as I sadly cannot attach it to this post.

Track 8 = Ever Since New York
The reason why I am a fan of "Ever Since New York" is because Harry's voice sounds so smooth, light and almost 'floaty' in this song. The short chorus is also fairly catchy making it a pretty great song. Overall, I do prefer Harry Styles' more upbeat songs but this song is amazing because it is so separate and different to the rest. 

Track 9 = Woman
The reason as to why I like "Woman" is because it is rather moody, something which you may sense throughout the whole album but I can really notice it throughout this track. The chorus, even if it only consists of one 'proper' word, is so catchy that I am even singing it in my head whilst writing this. I also am a big fan of the guitar solo as it is the only one on the album, adding yet another layer of diversity on this severely unique record; the only downside is, I cannot attach it to this post!

Track 10 = From The Dining Table
The final track on the album is one that really stands out to me as it sound very similar to folk (one genre that we have not heard yet on this album) which totally works, providing a relaxing end to this record. What is even more bizarre is how I get the exact same feeling with this song as I do with "Two Ghosts" where I want to just sit in a field on a summers day whilst listening to it.

Overall, I am literally astounded by this album! Harry Styles is one person that I never thought I would enjoy listening to but this album channels so many emotions that I feel like anyone can listen to it, no matter what mood you're in. Every song sounds completely different bot they all tell stories; something that not all artist can do with their songs. With that in mind, here are the rankings of the records I have reviewed (disclaimer : several albums have been switched around as others have grown on me overtime)...

1. Kehlani - SweetSexySavage
2. Bruno Mars - 24k Magic
3. Sarah Close - Caught Up EP
4. Sonny - Hopeless Romance EP
5. Harry Styles - Harry Styles
6. John Legend - Love & Darkness
7. Ed Sheeran - Divide
8. Childish Gambino - Awaken My Love

Song Of The Week :
This week's "Song Of The Week" is one that has already been featured on my blog before (in a review) and that song is "Caught Up" by the wonderful Sarah Close! What I love about this song is how it is so fun and stress-free, even though the situation that the song was written about is the opposite. Since the release of the EP, my love for this track has risen rapidly! I am also seeing Sarah Close live next month (something which I've always wanted to do) and I know this song will get everyone singing along which is why you should go and listen to it!                Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this post. Next week I will be posting the next instalment of "My Favourite Beyonce Songs" where we countdown from 40 to 31, get excited!

Saturday 13 May 2017

Artist Showcase : Sonny

Hello and welcome to what seems like a long-awaited "Artist Showcase" today. Today's post is based on an artist who has been featured on this blog several times before; his name is Sonny!

Sonny is one of the most unknown people that I have covered on this blog before (so much so that he does not have a wikipedia page), however, he is possibly my favourite person that I have ever covered. The 17-year-old started off uploading videos to Facebook which was how he got discovered by Never Fade Records, home to artists such as Gabrielle Aplin; he also takes inspiration from a bizarre combination of artists from Stevie Wonder to Coldplay.

The reason why I love Sonny so much is because he has such a raw and soulful voice which I desire to have in the future; if I had to pick an artist out there that I could imagine myself sounding like, it would be him. I fell in love with the Geordie when I heard "Princess" which is certainly my favourite song of 2017. The song is so relatable and peaceful which I feel is why I have fallen in love with it so much and also why it was one of the very first songs to be featured in this blog's "Song Of The Week" segment. To think the singer is only three years older than myself and has as much talent as he does, its crazy! Please give the acoustic version of this absolutely incredible song ("Princess") a listen below as I cannot describe how much I love it...

The singer-songwriter released his debut EP not that long ago (which I reviewed on this blog and you can read here) and it has honestly been part of the soundtrack to my life this year! Each song is different yet you can still distinguish Sonny's distinctive voice throughout. There are two songs (excluding "Princess") which I cannot get enough of on this extended-play too, showing that Sonny is not 'one of those people' who just release one song that you like! The first of these two songs is "Two To Tango" which is so upbeat that it will make you want to dance and sing along; so much aggression is put into the song, you simply cannot dislike it. The second of these songs, which I will attack to this post, is "Wage A War". The song (which was also featured as a "Song Of The Week") shows off all of the unbelievable vocals that Sonny is capable of. This song has certainly transitioned into one of my typical shower songs as it has such big vocals that you cannot 'pull off' anywhere else. Give it a listen as I know you will become a fan...

Like I said before, Sonny is possibly the most 'unknown' artist that has featured on my "Artist Showcase" series, meaning I would appreciate it so much more if you supported him. First of all, I would highly recommend following his Spotify as it certainly does not have the recognition it deserves. I would then say go and follow his Twitter so you can keep updated with his news. Please give this guy any support you can as he is such a fantastic artist with bundles of talent!

Song Of The Week :
This week's "Song Of The Week" is by a duo who I have loved for ages now but have bizarrely never been featured on my blog before. Chloe x Halle, a duo made up of two sisters, have been pleasing my ears for ages with their covers but recently they released the amazing "Bougie Party" for the "Dear White People" soundtrack. My queen Beyonce actually signed them to her record label so they must be good! The song makes you want to sing and dance along and has been stuck in my head for weeks. Go and give it a listen when you can!
So I hoped you enjoyed this post on one of my favourite artists at the moment. Next week I will be reviewing Harry Styles' debut album which I surprisingly like - he is my musical guilty pleasure!

Thursday 4 May 2017

My Favourite Beyonce Songs (50 - 41)

Hello and welcome to a new mini-series on this blog where I countdown my top 50 songs from my queen Beyonce. There will be five different posts guiding you all the way through from number 50 to number 1, showcasing ten songs in each one. Lets get started...

No. 50 = No Angel
The first song in this countdown is in here for several reasons. The first of which is the vocals throughout which I feel are quite frankly ridiculous! Her vocals are higher than any song that I have heard before and I think anyone would want to have them. The second reason as to why the song is so great is because it is so catchy! Even whilst writing this paragraph, I am singing the lyrics in my head as just cant not do it, they are too infectious.

No. 49 = Grown Woman 
Number 49 is another song for Beyonce's self-titled album (which is one of my favourites by the way) but I originally fell in love with it when it was featured in a Pepsi advert including Beyonce. One of the main reasons as to why I love it so much is because it is just so honest and sassy which I feel you don't tend to hear that often anymore in today's music world. Just like "No Angel", this song is also quite catchy (as are most Beyonce songs to be honest) so this is definitely a song that you should listen to!

No. 48 = Baby Boy
This next song is one that you may know as it came from Beyonce's very first album "Dangerously In Love". What I love about this song so much is the fact that it just always makes you want to dance along to it. It also reminds me of when I have seen Beyonce live (aka some of the best nights of my life) as she always adds this track to her set, probably because she nows everyone like myself will love it. If I am being honest, "Dangerously In Love" is probably one of my least favourite Beyonce albums but this song is just simply incredible!

No. 47 = If I Were A Boy
First of all, if you somehow haven't heard this song, where have you been for your entire life?! "If I Were A Boy" is certainly one of Beyonce's more popular songs and I think it features some brilliant vocals! The only reason as to why it is so low on this countdown is because it was just so overplayed, as was the majority of her "I Am Sasha Fierce" album which made me get a little fed up with it. I cannot deny that this is a good song and I do find myself singing it a lot but I would not say that it was ever my favourite.

No. 46 = Heaven
I would describe this song as possibly Beyonce's most emotional song as when first heard, I could honestly not hold back the tears! The song is based on Beyonce's friend who sadly passed away and how "Heaven couldn't wait" for her as she was so wonderful. The whole of this song is so touching and amazing and the only reason why it is so low in my chart is because it isn't the type of song that you would 'sing along' to. I beg that you all listen to this song as I feel it is just phenomenal!
No. 45 = Upgrade U
Next up we have a song that is so incredibly catchy, so catchy in fact that once you hear it, it will not get out of your head. The song features Beyonce's hubby Jay-Z and even though you may not think it, I actually think this song has a great message, stating that 'if someone isn't treating you right or isn't good enough, just go and upgrade them', showing her and her husband as the perfect example of that. Beyonce's "B'Day" album is incredible so I would certainly recommend that you listen to it, and this song whilst you're at it.

No. 44 = Ring Off
"Ring Off" is a song that I think is severely overlooked on Beyonce's fifth album, possibly because it is only featured on the deluxe version; the song is a great and catchy song that will get anyone singing along but I think hardly anyone actually knows about it. Whenever this track comes on on my Beyonce playlist (my spotify is billy.carr by the way), I cannot help but either sing or lip-sync along as it is just too catchy. After reading this post, before listening to anything else, please give this song a listen as I reckon you will fall in love with it just like I did.

No. 43 = I Miss You
In 43rd place we have the first song in this countdown from Beyonce's album "4" which I would say is my favourite as it redefines R&B music! The reason why I put "I Miss You" in here is because although the vocals might not be overly incredible, the song has so much soul and it is fairly catchy for a low-tempo song. Fun fact, the song was also co-written by none other than Frank Ocean which makes me love it even more! All the way throughout the lyrics are just so meaningful that I could not leave it out of this chart; it ticks all of the boxes of what you want in a song.

No. 42 = Green Light
The penultimate song in this post is the second song from Bey's second album in the post and just like "Upgrade U", this song is unbelievably catchy! The song is one of 'those' songs that just always puts you in a good mood and makes you want to sing or dance along. The song also features some great vocals considering its an upbeat song, making it one song that I adore! This is one that you should really listen to as you will definitely, certainly, unquestionably enjoy!

No. 41 = Rather Die Young
The final song in today's post is one that I actually wish was my own! The song is so soulful and raw throughout and Beyonce's vocals are to die for. She puts so much passion and aggression into this song everytime that she sings it which can only make you fall in love with it even more (this seems to be a running theme throughout her "4" album). Even though the song isn't the most uptempo song that I have ever heard, I have to sing along with it's catchy lyrics whenever I listen, even if I don't come anywhere close to matching Beyonce's crazy vocals!

Song Of The Week : 
Even though I feel like I have been talking about songs forever in this post, I cant miss out my "Song Of The Week" so this week the song is "Hard Times" by Paramore, a band who you may consider 'alternative' like Fall Out Boy who were my previous "Song Of The Week". The reason why I love this song so much is the fact that Paramore manage to turn the "Hard Times" that are featured in the song into a song that sounds happy, distracting you from your "Hard Times". I have been a fan of Paramore for a long time now and this song only extends my love for them!
So I hope you enjoyed this (rather long) first instalment of my new series. Next week I will be doing another "Artist Showcase" post on an artist that you all know I love; his name is Sonny so get excited!