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Saturday 7 October 2017

Sarah Close's Debut Tour ~ 27/9/17

Hello and welcome to another blogpost. Today we have a very exciting post where I review my time at Sarah Close's very first tour at it's stop in Brighton. I may have not had my camera but that really did not matter (as you'll find out later on) so let's get on with it...

So after a long day at school, I got to The Haunt (the venue which Sarah was playing at) at around 5pm and I was amazed to find that I was the third person in the queue, meaning I could literally get as close as I could to one of my favourite artists. I made some friends in the queue and we even played Uno in order to waste the two hour waiting time. Eventually, we made it in and the venue was so intimate that I could tell this was going to be a special concert; it certainly was a special concert!

Before Sarah Close came one, we had the support act who was actually pretty good. His name was Callum Stewart and his voice was very soulful, a feature which followers of this blog will all know I love. For the entirety of his set he sang a variety of original songs and covers including "Tennessee Whiskey" by Chris Stapleton, a song that I have been loving recently. Overall, his set was great and a great warmup for Sarah Close, I even managed to get a great photo of him during his set.

After hours of waiting, it was finally time for Sarah Close and I can tell you now that she did not disappoint. Sarah sang a variety of originals as well as a few of her beloved covers, making a great show. Personally, I think the bit that was incredible to me was how close I was to her as I could physically not get any closer (as you can probably see by the photo to your right). In a addition to this, I must mention her mashup of covers as it was truly amazing. She mashed up Charlie Puth's "We Don't Talk Anymore", Rihanna's "Only Girl (In The World)" and Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream", three completely different songs but of course Sarah made it into some kind of masterpiece!

In terms of my favourite song from the show, it has to be between two. We have "Caught Up" which you all know I love as it was voted "My Favourite Song Of The Week", it was also the first song she performed, making that sudden impact on stage. The other song that was incredible live was "Call Me Out" (Sarah's very first single) as it was Sarah's last song and absolutely everyone knew the words and were singing and dancing along. I must also mention an unreleased song called "Do You Believe" as it was phenomenal and I really hope to hear it again!

After the show finished, one of the most surreal moments in my entire life happened as it was revealed that I could meet Sarah. This was such a big deal for me as I have been watching her for so many years now. About 20 minutes after her set finished, Sarah came into the venue and I met her! She was so lovely and we talked about how long I have been watching her, how her tour is going and how amazing her concert was before grabbing a picture (to your right). It is a moment that I shall never forget!

Overall, the event was incredible and easily the best I've been to in a long time (excluding Frank Ocean of course)! Sarah is one of the nicest people I have ever met and her music is unbelievable. She has such a stage presence and I really hope she has plenty of tours to come. If you have never seen her before, please either listen to her music online or go and watch her youtube channel as I can promise you that you will not regret it in any way, shape or form!

Song Of The Week :
This week's "Song Of The Week" is from Demi Lovato's brand new release "Tell Me You Love Me" and I cannot get enough of it! The song is titled "Cry Baby" and it is so soulful with some truly phenomenal vocals that I think any singer would want. I would honestly and thoroughly recommend you give this song a listen as I bet you won't get enough, just like me!

Whilst we're on the topic of Demi Lovato, next week I shall be doing an album review of "Tell Me You Love Me" which I can tell you now is amazing. So I hoped you enjoyed this week's post and are excited for next week as I certainly am!

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