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Monday 2 January 2017

A New Year, A New Focus

2016 was a terrible year, the worst I have ever experienced. I was struck with some of the worst news I could have ever been given but I did also have some good parts. Firstly, I created this blog; something which I could not live with out as I feel so free by expressing myself. Secondly, I went to several concerts, including Beyonce's Formation World Tour, one of the best concerts I have ever been to and finally, I got back into singing, something which I absolutely adore and want to continue with.

The reason why I started this blogpost so abruptly without a proper intro was because I wanted to get 2016 out of the way. Hopefully 2017 will be a great year, filled with positivity and happiness because I truly need it. Although there is a massive void in my life, I need to learn not to always focus on that (hence the blogpost name "A New Focus"). This year, I am going to focus on positivity, changing those bad things in my life and making so many good things to help benefit my future.

Firstly, I am going to seriously focus on my education! That will probably mean non-stop revising but you don't get to where you want to be by doing nothing so I am going to try my hardest. Although I am not doing bad at school, I am not getting some of the predicted grades that I want so I am gonna try my hardest to get them. Sadly, this could result in some blogposts not going up on time but I hope you all understand that I have to put my education first (I will try and make this blogposts as consistent as possible though).

Another thing I am going to really focus on this year is my music as I have such admiration for the topic and I have been told that I have talent, even if I may not always agree. At the beginning of last month, I sang in front of several students and parents at my school and I got praise from everyone which felt surreal and amazing! I also performed the song for my music assessment which was fifteen percent of my music GCSE; somehow I managed to get an A* which is unbelievable! I have mentioned before that I have big dreams of going to the BRIT School so hopefully this could be my ticket in there, if I focus and do as much as I can this year of course.

The last thing that I want to focus on this year is simply enjoying myself. I am lucky enough to have some great experiences coming up so I have no reason to not enjoy myself. I know I have had a rocky year last year but at the end of the day, time is the greatest healer so I have just got to learn to cope with it and enjoy my events. In February, I am going to Disneyland which I cannot wait for as I have dreamed about going there since I can remember; it will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience and it will be a (much-needed) break for me. As you could probably tell, I also have a whole load of concerts coming up this year with me seeing amazing artists such as Little Mix, Us The Duo, Bruno Mars, Shawn Mendes and my favourite of all, Frank Ocean. I think I am so excited for Frank Ocean as he rarely does gigs in the UK so it will be such a unique and original atmosphere. If these things don't make me start enjoying life, I don't really know what will!

So I hope you enjoyed the first post of 2017, informing you on what I plan to do this year. If any of you readers are planning do do something different this year, let me know on any of my social media (the usernames are in the sidebar to your right). This year will have some amazing blogposts so get excited!

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